We are a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Funding Entity to allow funding contributions from all sources: governmental, corporate, foundations, individuals.

Friends of Frog Ferry stands for acceptance, equality and tolerance and values kindness and empathy. Our work serves to benefit the health of our riverways and our community.
- Safety, above all else
- Accessibility (languages, avoid jargon, technical access, first and final mile connectivity)
- Integrity and transparency (don’t hide behind technical facts or minimize challenges)
- Inclusiveness, equity and inclusion (demonstrating rather than talking about diversity and creating an inviting culture that invites every passenger in. Acceptance vs. tolerance.)
- Provide a value to our community livability: environment, economy, and social impact. Remind the Portland community of our foundational culture of sustainability and innovation.
- Grassroots “people power” founding of involved citizens; we can be imaginative and don’t have a prescribed path we must follow.
- Operate with facts, data and best practices (rather than here say and assumptions)

We Will…
- Recruit and build a committee coalition with representation from many communities, with a goal to have every demographic represented.
- Imagine a new and better future for our community and understand that perfection is the enemy of progress. Continually move forward with optimism and perseverance, educate the public about our progress and key milestones, and understand if mistakes are made that we can correct the course.
- Engage team leaders who will actively recruit and engage members and participants.
- Reach out early, for a truly integrated and community-informed plan. One individual recruited per event is meaningful.
- Give others the benefit of the doubt respectfully, with the intention of building trust and a strong network of participants.
- Embed social responsibility into the foundation of FFF. (River cleanups, a non-profit for river preservation, equitable access, a passenger experience that benefits all rather than one.)
- Deliver a plan that addresses the triple bottom line, economy, environment and social responsibility.
- Listen and ensure stakeholders feel heard and respected. Understand that there will be extensive learning and education about ferry operations followed by the need for Listening Sessions, to learn of concerns and suggestions.
- Read more about our Community Benefit Plan

Based on best practices of other passenger ferry service startups around the world, the public-private model has proven to be the most successful and efficient business model. Public entities and officials in the Metro Region support this vision of a ferry service on the rivers, and, as with nearly all public transit programs, there is a required public subsidy to help off-set the cost and it is understood that the public sector will need to be financially supportive on the front end as well as at the launch and for ongoing operations. Private capital is expected to come from individuals, foundations and businesses as an investment in the community, not as a financial Return on Investment (ROI) model. This is similar to how the Portland Streetcar system started and similar to other public infrastructure support projects such as libraries, cultural centers, and museums.